A landing page designed to catch the interest of hedge fund managers – in order to generate leads for a new fund manager tool.
A clear and quick brief to wireframe and design the UI for a single landing page, aimed at capturing potential leads as part of a wider campaign to generate business. Results TBC.
The challenge
Quite simply, come up with a single landing page that converted users to find out more! The objective of the page was to get users to complete the form and submit their query.
The plan
As time was against me, my plan was to create a wireframe or two in order to nail down the page structure and content hierarchy. I could then use this wireframe to get the correct content, work with developers and orchestrate any assets I might need. It was clear from the outset that desktop would be the priority, based on our target audience using their work laptop to access this type of content.
After working with the Product Owner to figure out the requirements for the page in terms of content, I developed a first draft of the wireframe that had the content placed in there, with a general structure. I then socialised this wireframe to the development and test teams, along with the client in order to get instant feedback before progressing to the UI.
View the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/iYCzLvhkfFe37UFwiOC8Fl/OPUS-Landing-Page?page-id=1407%3A39&node-id=1407-41&viewport=654%2C437%2C0.24&t=Vvl1U6NaU0E8skLQ-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed
The UI
After the wireframe had been agreed and signed-off by all key stakeholders, I then designed the UI based on a very rough brand guideline for colours and typography (in addition to creating a small design system within Figma). This went through a few iterations before being signed off and ready to be built.
I worked closely with the dev team to ensure it was built correct and to a good standard.
View the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/iYCzLvhkfFe37UFwiOC8Fl/OPUS-Landing-Page?page-id=212%3A281&node-id=233-2113&viewport=2008%2C478%2C0.49&t=WXOVzbh2y3G91hx2-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=233%3A2113&show-proto-sidebar=1
Whilst the process for getting the page designed and developed, the results of how effective it has been at catching a hedge fund manager are till TBC!
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